Winning Science Research Writers Announced
April 25, 2019
To give our research trainees an opportunity to showcase their research, while honing their writing skills, Canadian Blood Services teamed-up with Science Borealis and the Centre for Blood Research, to launch our first-ever Lay Science Writing Competition.
Scientists Wanted: Influencing Science Policy at the Canadian Science Policy Conference
April 11, 2019
Academics are often billed as top-notch problem solvers; however, the task of translating their work into policy is a challenge that can leave even the best researchers stumped.
CBR workshop – #SciComm: More Than Just a Hashtag
March 20, 2019
Missed our social media workshop with STEMCELL Technologies? View our learning resources here.
29th European Conference on Biomaterials
March 14, 2019
With support provided by a CBR Post-Doc Travel Award, I attended the 29th European Conference on Biomaterials at Maastricht, Netherlands from Sep 9-13, 2018.
2018-2019 CBR Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Associate Travel Awards
February 28, 2019
Once a year, the Centre for Blood Research provides travel awards to Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates to aid in their travel to conferences and academic events.
Matrix Biology Europe 2018: Celebrating 50 years of FECTS
February 14, 2019
The field of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology has come a long way since 1968 – the year of formation of the Federation of European Connective Tissue Societies (FECTS). At this time, only a single form of collagen had been described, and the first DNA cloning methods would not arrive for another five years.
Creation of a Pan-Canadian Airway Network Conference
February 7, 2019
Searching for collaborations in hospitals, industry, or academia? Passionate about improving care for patients with airway disease? The ‘Creation of a Pan-Canadian Airway Network Conference’ provided the perfect opportunity to forge connections.
Bloody Brilliant: CBR Soccer Team, GSS Summer Champions!
January 24, 2019
While the eyes of the world were turned to the stars competing at the World Cup 2018 in Russia, the CBR soccer team Blood Soccer took to the field in the Grad Student Society (GSS) Summer soccer league.
Earl Davie Symposium 2018: In Review
December 13, 2018
At the Centre for Blood Research (CBR), November is associated with the annual Earl W. Davie Symposium. This highly anticipated multidisciplinary symposium was launched 12 years ago by CBR’s founding director Dr. Ross MacGillivray, who was a trainee in Dr. Earl Davie’s laboratory.
CBR Summer Students Visit Canadian Blood Services!
November 16, 2018
What is involved in getting blood that has been donated at a mobile clinic in Campbell River to a patient on the operating table at Vancouver General Hospital?