Earl W. Davie Symposium

Thank you for joining us at the 18th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium!

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About the Earl W. Davie Symposium

Earl Davie photo

This annual 1-day symposium honours Dr. Earl W. Davie’s scientific contributions in hemostasis-thrombosis, which have impacted on the care of patients world-wide. He and his colleagues devised the revolutionary Waterfall Sequence for Blood Clotting, and subsequently,  throughout the 1960s and ’70s, applied cutting edge technologies to identify and characterize most of the coagulation proteins and their genes. For his many remarkable achievements, Dr. Davie,  a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle, was widely acclaimed, receiving numerous awards, including investiture as a member of the US National Academy of Science. He was a wonderful teacher and mentor, and he left a legacy that will be felt for many generations.
Read more about Earl Davie.

Past Symposia

The 18th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium

November 13, 2024 | Hybrid Event: UBC Robson Square & Webcast

  • 2024 Program

View presentations and more from the symposium:

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Toni M. Antalis, University of Maryland School of Medicine, "Coagulation and fibrinolysis "anchored" via GPI-linked serine proteases"
  • Dr. John S. (Pete) Lollar III, Emory University, "FVIII-VWF interactions"

Naiman Vickars Professorship Speaker:

  • Dr. Phillip Wells, University of Ottawa, Distinguished Research Chair in Thrombosis, "Journeys in management of thromboembolic disease"

Award Winner:

  • Best Poster Presentation (as judged by poster judges): Ahmed Kabil, PhD Student, McNagny Lab at UBC, " Microbial intestinal dysbiosis drives long-term allergic susceptibility by sculpting an ILC2–B1 cell–innate IgE axis"
  • Best Poster Presentation Runners-Up: John Perrier, MSc Student, Pryzdial Lab at UBC, "Coagulation Initiated by Tissue Factor on a Coronavirus" and Alexandra Witt, PhD Student, Pryzdial Lab at UBC, "Development of double mutant clotting factor X as a novel thrombolytic agent"

The CBR would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the 2024 Earl W. Davie Symposium:

The 17th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium

November 16, 2023 | Hybrid Event: UBC Robson Square & Webcast

  • 2023 Program

View presentations and more from the symposium:

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Alisa W. Wolberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Exploring the determinants of clot formation in thrombosis and bleeding”
  • Dr. Paul F. Bray, University of Utah, “Racial disparities and stroke pharmacogenetics the platelet-neutrophil affair”

Naiman Vickars Professorship Speaker:

  • Dr. Elisabeth Battinelli, Harvard University, “The role of platelets beyond hemostasis in neovascularization, immune modulation, and malignancy”

Award Winner:

  • Best Poster Presentation (as judged by poster judges): Stephanie Besoiu, PhD Student, from the Jefferies Lab at UBC, "Novel MHC Class I Antigens Cross Priming Ability of Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells"

The CBR would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the 2023 Earl W. Davie Symposium:

2022 Program

The 16th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium took place on Tuesday November 22nd, 2022.

View the Poster and Oral Talk Gallery, which showcases presentations that were shared at the 16th Earl W. Davie Symposium

Watch recordings from the 16th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium:

The CBR would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the 2022 Earl W. Davie Symposium:

View presentations and more from the symposium:

November 22, 2022 | Hybrid Event: UBC Robson Square & Webcast

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Sriram Krishnaswamy, University of Pennsylvania, “Proteolysis and the birth of factor Va: Structure and function”
  • Dr. Alan Mast, Versiti Blood Research Institute, “Factor V Interaction with TFPI in Hemostasis and Thrombosis: From Seattle to East Texas”

Naiman Vickars Professorship Speaker:

  • Dr. José López, Bloodworks Northwest, “Lipoproteins and von Willebrand factor: Implications for microangiopathies and atherosclerosis”

Award Winners:

  • People's Choice Award (best oral presentation, as voted on by the audience): Colton Strong, PhD Candidate from the Kastrup and Devine Labs at UBC, “Expression of exogenous proteins in donor platelets treated with lipid nanoparticles”
  • Best Poster Presentation (as judged by poster judges): Henry West, MSc Student from the Pryzdial Lab at UBC, "A broad-spectrum molecular basis for hemostatic disease in transfusion-transmissible enveloped viruses: HIV and dengue virus"

2021 Program

View presentations and more from the symposium:

November 2, 2021 | Hybrid Event: UBC Robson Square & Webcast

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Susan Kahn, McGill University, “Prevention and management of postthrombotic syndrome: A scientific update”
  • Dr. Robert Brodsky, John Hopkins University, “Complement dysregulation and SARS CoV-2”

Naiman Vickars Professorship Speaker:

  • Dr. Victor Blanchette, University of Toronto, “From Royal genes to cure of persons with hemophilia: A dream almost fulfilled”

Best Poster Award Winners:

  • In-Person Poster Winner: Tetiana Povshedna, MSc Student from the Côté lab at UBC, "Dolutegravir-containing HIV combination antiretroviral therapy induces reversible alterations to mitochondrial morphology in vitro"
  • Virtual Poster Winner: Ashley Clarke, MSc Student from the University of Calgary, "Prolonged Hypercoagulability Occurs Following Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures, as Defined by Serial Thrombelastography"

2020 Program

You can view the video recordings from the symposium here:

November 17, 2020 | Zoom

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Mary Cushman, MD, University of Vermont, “Understanding racial disparities in stroke”
  • Dr. Thomas Ortel, MD, PhD, Duke University, “Antithrombotic therapy in COVID-19”

Best Poster Award Winners:

  • 1st place: Jean Christophe Bélanger, PhD Candidate in Marie Lordkipanidzé's lab at the University of Montréal, "The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor mitigates the association between platelet dysfunction and cognitive impairment in coronary artery disease"
  • Runner-Up: Nancy Yang, MSc student in the Côté lab at UBC, "A Proposal: How Much Is Too Much? The Burden Of Chronic/Latent Viral Infections on Aging"
  • Runner-Up: Andy An, PhD Candidate in the Hancock lab at UBC, "The role of S100A9 on macrophage cellular reprogramming in the context of sepsis"

2019 Program

November 13, 2019 | UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC

Below you can view the photo highlights and videos from the presentations:

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Nancy Berliner, MD, Harvard Medical School, “Everything you need to know about hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis"
  • Dr. Robert Montgomery, MD, Versiti – Blood Center of Wisconsin, “Cellular relationships ofVWF with FVIII – what we know and don’t know”

Best Poster Award Winners:

  • 1st place: Neha Sharma, PhD student in Liaw lab at Thrombosis & Atherosclerosis Research Institute, "Exploring the effectiveness of DNA and Glycosaminoglycans as inhibitors of histones"
  • 2nd place: Marie-Soleil Smith, MSc student in Côté lab at UBC, "Investigating the relationship between HIV antiretrovirals and human embryonic stem cell differentiation"
  • 3rd place: Chanel La, PhD candidate in Kizhakkedathu lab at UBC, "Macromolecular polyphosphate inhibitors for treatment of thrombosis"

2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015  |2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

2018 Program 

November 15, 2018 | SFU Segal Building, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC

Below you can view the photo highlights and videos from the presentations:

Keynote Speakers:

  • John Griffin, MD, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute, “Activated protein C: Biased for translation and neuroprotection”
  • Maureane Hoffman, MD, PhD, Duke University, "Tissue specific hemostasis. The next frontier?”

Best Poster Award Winners:

  • 1st place: Stefanie Novakowski, PhD candidate in Kastrup lab, for her work on “Delivery of mRNA to platelets using lipid nanoparticles”
  • 2nd place: Tammy Truong, PhD candidate in Medical Sciences at McMaster University, “Identification of the histidine-rich glycoprotein domain responsible for its inhibition of factor XIIa”
  • 3rd place: Emel Islamzada, MSc student in Ma lab, “Deformability as a Biomarker for the Quality of Stored Red Blood Cells”

2017 Program

November 16, 2017 | Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, 1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC
Below you can view the photo highlights and videos from the presentations:

Keynote Speakers:

  • Katherine High, MD, President, CSO, Spark Therapeutic, “Gene therapy for genetic disease: can genes become medicines”
  • James Morrissey, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Polyphosphate in hemostasis and thromboses”

2016 Program

November 17, 2016 | Segal Building, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Read the recap of the EWD Symposium 2016.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. John W. Weisel, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Perelman School of Medicine
  • Dr. Nigel Key, Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Chief of the Section of Classical Hematology, and the Director of the UNC Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center

Best Poster Award Winners:

  • First Place: Bryan Lin, PhD candidate in Dr. Pryzdial's lab
  • Second Place: Frank Lee, MD/PhD student in Dr. Pryzdial's lab
  • Third Place: Vivienne Chan, PhD candidate in Dr. Kastrup's lab

Below you can view the videos from the symposium:

Earl W Davie Symposium - Segment 1

Earl W Davie Symposium - Segment 2

Earl W Davie Symposium - Segment 3

2015 Program

November 19, 2015 |SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC

Read the recap of the EWD Symposium 2015 and an interview with the CBR Directors about the event.

Below you can view the photo highlights and videos from the presentations:

Morning Sessions Video

Afternoon Sessions Video

See photos from the event

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Dr. Ken Kaushansky, MD, Dean of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY | “Thrombopoiesis”
  • Dr. Björn Dahlbäck, MD, PhD, Lund University | "Novel Insights into the Role of Factor V as a Regulator of Blood Coagulation"

2014 Program

November 13, 2014 |SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC

For videos from the 2014 Earl W. Davie Symposium please click here!

  • Part I:
    0:00:00 - 0:05:10 | Dr. Ed Conway, Opening Remarks|
    0:05:11 - 0:47:40 | Dr. Uller Hedner "Perspectives on the clinical use of factor VIIa"
    0:47:44 - 1:22:00 | Dr. David Gailani "Factor XI and Prekallikrein"
    1:22:06 - 1:36:16 | Dr. Becky Woodruff "Targeting the contact pathway with RNA aptamers"
    1:36:18 - 1:48:50 | Dr. Jerome Robert "Tissue engineering of the cerebrovasculature"
    1:48:52 - 1:57:31 | Dr. Sandra Degen "Reflections on my thesis advisor, Earl W. Davie"
  • Part II:
    0:00:00 - 0:35:10 | Jay Kizhakkedathu "Manipulating coagulation with polymers: Inhibitors for heparins and polyphosphates"
    0:35:17 - 1:29:35 | Phil Majerus "Aspirin"
    1:29:43 - 1:54:01 | 'Shotgun' Talks
  • Part III:
    0:00:00 - 0:12:15 | Antoine Dufour “Macrophage MMP12: Pleiotropic roles in inflammation revealed by TAILS terminomics”
    0:13:00 - 0:20:30 | Neil MacKenzie "Cathepsin mediated digestion of elastin in vascular calcification"
    0:20:34 - 0:28:10 | Matthew Solomonson "Structural study of protein secretion system essential to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection"
    0:28:12 - 0:33:52 | Diana Canals "Podocalyxin is a key regulator of breast cancer progression and metastasis"
    0:33:52- 1:13:32 | Jay Degen "Hemostatic factors in inflammatory disease"
    1:13:37 - 1:41:37 |Mel Krajden "EBOLA: Facts, fiction and fears"
  • Part IV:
    0:00:00 - 0:42:50 | Denisa Wagner "Inflammation and thrombosis: Tangled up in NETs"
    0:42:55 - 1:12:57 | Ed Pryzdial "Grand theft platelet: Dengue virus stories"

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Dr. Phil Majerus, MD, MD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis | "Aspirin"
  • Dr. Denisa Wagner, PhD, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School | "Inflammation and thrombosis: Tangled up in NETs"

2013 Program

November 14, 2013 |SFU Segal Building, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC

For videos from the 2013 Earl W. Davie Symposium please click here!

  • Part I:
    0:00:00 – 0:06:00 | Dr. Ed Conway, Opening Remarks
    0:06:02 – 0:58:00 | Dr. Edmond Fischer "The origin of reversible protein phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism"
    0:58:05 - 1:35:50  Dr. David Motto "Hemostasis and thrombosis, new questions raised from mouse models"
    1:36:03  - 1:48:40 | Dana Kyluik-Price "Direct and indirect immunocamouflage of blood antigens"
    1:49:00- 2:09:05 | Eric Ouellett "High-fidelity SELEXion: an improved platform for discovery of aptamer-based therapeutics"
  • Part II:
    0:00:00 – 0:59:50 | Barry Coller "From the rivers of Babylon to the coronary bloodstream: The αIIbβ3 Story"
    0:59:54 – 1:19:36 | Shot-gun talks
  • Part III:
    0:01:20 – 0:19:33 | Jonathan Foley "Diverse properties of polyphosphates in the blood"
    0:19:44 – 0:56:28 | Margaret Rand "Flipping and flopping and blocking platelet procoagulant phosphatidylserine"
    0:56:30  – 1:33:38 | Sara Israels "Developmental hemostasis: Neonatal platelets acting their age"
  • Part IV:
    0:01:20 – 0:24:10 | Christian Kastrup "Clotting the unclottable: halting severe hemorrhaging, and clotting without fibrinogen"
    0:24:23 – 1:33:34 | Shaun Coughlin "Protease activated receptors – a 3-dimensional view"
    1:33:36 – 1:41:15 |Closing remarks


November 14, 2013 marked the 7th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium, hosted by the CBR and sponsored by Novo Nordisk. It was a memorable event, hosted in the historic old Bank of Montreal building in downtown Vancouver, with over 180 attendees, a range of entertaining and stimulating speakers, excellent posters, delicious food and fine wine.

Arguably, one of the major discoveries in medicine in the latter half of the 20th century was made by Dr. Earl Davie who, in 1964, proposed the waterfall sequence for blood clotting. Although our understanding of the biochemical events surrounding coagulation has evolved since then, the major concepts have been and continue to be the basis for currently used diagnostic tests and therapies, in coagulation and in other diseases. The impact of Dr. Davie’s work is indeed, immeasurable, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to honour him each year with this annual symposium that carries his name. Read More...

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Shaun Coughlin, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco | "Protease activated receptors – a 3-dimensional view"
  • Dr. Barry Coller, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Rockefeller University | "From the rivers of Babylon to the coronary bloodstream: The αIIbβ3 Story"

2012 Program

November 13, 2012 |Four Seasons Hotel, 791 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC


November 13, 2012 marked the 6th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium, hosted by the CBR and sponsored by Novo Nordisk. It was a memorable event, with over 200 attendees, a range of entertaining and stimulating speakers, excellent posters, delicious food and fine wine.

Arguably, one of the major discoveries in medicine in the latter half of the 20th century was made by Dr. Earl Davie who, in 1964, proposed the waterfall sequence for blood clotting. Although our understanding of the biochemical events surrounding coagulation has evolved since then, the major concepts have been and continue to be the basis for currently used diagnostic tests and therapies, in coagulation and in other diseases. The impact of Dr. Davie’s work is indeed, immeasurable, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to honour him each year with this annual symposium that carries his name.

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Charles T. Esmon, PhD, Howard Hughes Investigator and Member of Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | "Hype about histones in infections and inflammation
  • "Dr. David Ginsburg, MD, PhD, Howard Hughes Investigator, Professor of Medicine, University of Michigan | "Infectious diseases, coagulation and fibrinolysis"

2011 Program

November 3, 2011 | Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St  Vancouver, BC V6B 2E8

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Steve Olson | "Regulation of blood clotting by serpin family protein protease inhibitors and their cofactors"
  • Dr. Uri Seligsohn"The role of factor XI in hemostasis and thrombosis"

2010 Program

November 4, 2010 | Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St  Vancouver, BC V6B 2E8

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Ken Mann | "Blood Clotting: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
  • Dr. Désiré Collen | Biopharmaceutical Drug Development between Academia and Industry