Awards & Accolades


2018-2019 CBR Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Associate Travel Awards

Once a year, the Centre for Blood Research provides travel awards to Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates to aid in their travel to conferences and academic events.

CIHR Project Grant Recipients

CIHR Project Grant Recipients

The Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant competition takes place twice a year for the purpose of supporting Canadian researchers’ innovative ideas that will advance health-related knowledge, health research, health care, health systems and/or health outcomes.

Matrix Biology Europe 2018: Celebrating 50 years of FECTS

Matrix Biology Europe 2018: Celebrating 50 years of FECTS

The field of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology has come a long way since 1968 – the year of formation of the Federation of European Connective Tissue Societies (FECTS). At this time, only a single form of collagen had been described, and the first DNA cloning methods would not arrive for another five years.

31st Annual Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting

31st Annual Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting

Thanks to the Centre for Blood Research for providing me with the CBR Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Award. Because of this travel award, I had the opportunity to attend the 31st Annual Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting (CSI) for the first time.

2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award

2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award

On Wednesday October 17th, Dr. Jennifer Grants was presented with the 2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award by the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB) and the Centre for Blood Research (CBR).

Fred Rosell

2018 Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

The Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Award is given annually to honour the memory of Dr. Neil Mackenzie, a postdoctoral fellow formerly in Dr. Dieter Bromme’s lab. Dr. Neil Mackenzie was an excellent mentor within the Centre for Blood Research (CBR)…

Dana Devine

Dr. Dana Devine Accepts Graduate Studies Program Director Position

Dr. Dana Devine is the Chief Scientist with CBS, as well as a Professor in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC since 2000 and a founding member of the CBR. She recently accepted an important leadership position as Graduate Studies Program Director with the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department at UBC.

Dr. Jayachandran Kizhakkedathu Receives Faculty Research Award

Dr. Jayachandran Kizhakkedathu Receives Faculty Research Award

Dr. Jay Kizhakkedathu has recently been awarded the 2017 UBC Killam Research Prize, which recognizes outstanding research and scholarly contributions to a variety of fields. Dr. Kizhakkedathu will receive this honour at an awards reception, held on April 17, 2018 in the Chan Centre at UBC.

Natalie Strynadka

Dr. Natalie Strynadka Chosen as 2018 Biophysical Society of Canada Fellow

Dr. Strynadka recently received the honour of being chosen as the 2018 Fellow of the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC). She will receive this award at the 4th Annual Biophysical Society meeting, held on May 22-25, 2018 in Vancouver, BC.


59th American Society of Hematology Meeting and Exposition

With support provided by a CBR Post-Doc Travel Award, Jennifer Grants, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Karsan Lab, had the opportunity to attend the 59th American Society of Hematology Meeting from December 9th to 12th in Atlanta, GA.