Awards & Accolades

Lay Science Writing Competition Winner: A Story Worth Telling

Lay Science Writing Competition Winner: A Story Worth Telling

On my wedding day, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia. Unfortunately, patients over the age of 50 years old (and especially those over 70 years old), such as my grandmother, have higher needs for support with blood products.

Learning Science by Travelling the World: 2019-2020 CBR Travel Awards

Learning Science by Travelling the World: 2019-2020 CBR Travel Awards

Over the past five years, the Travel Awards provided by the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) have been supporting the ongoing professional development of Postdoctoral Fellows (PDF) and Research Associates (RA).

Professor Wilfred Jefferies becomes the first Canadian immunologist to be elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors

Professor Wilfred Jefferies becomes the first Canadian immunologist to be elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors

Professor Wilfred Jefferies’ innovative strategies and outstanding inventions that enable cancer immunotherapies and vaccines have been recognized

2019 Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis

2019 Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis

The conference was divided into nine sessions covering subjects like dyslipidemia and diabetes, genetic regulation of vascular and immune cells, and the contribution of non-coding RNA in vascular diseases.

The Inaugural Systems Immunology Conference at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The Inaugural Systems Immunology Conference at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural meeting on Systems Immunology at the beautiful Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) campus in Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening 2019 (SLAS 2019): 2-6 February 2019

Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening 2019 (SLAS 2019): 2-6 February 2019

SLAS2019 was one of the most innovative, relevant and forward-thinking life science and technology research conferences I have attended.

2019 Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

2019 Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

The Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award is given annually to a Centre for Blood Research (CBR) member in memory of Dr. Neil Mackenzie, a former postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Dieter Brömme’s lab.

2018 UBC Science Excellence in Service Award Recipient Dr. Erika Siren

2018 UBC Science Excellence in Service Award Recipient Dr. Erika Siren

Congratulations to Dr. Erika Siren, a recent graduate from the Kizhakkedathu lab who received this prestigious award in late 2018! She’s now continuing her education as a Friedman Scholar at Harvard Medical School.

The 2018 Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Awards

The 2018 Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Awards

The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) was established in honour of BC’s first Nobel Laureate Dr. Michael Smith, with the mission to support health research in BC and develop and attract research talent.

29th European Conference on Biomaterials

29th European Conference on Biomaterials

With support provided by a CBR Post-Doc Travel Award, I attended the 29th European Conference on Biomaterials at Maastricht, Netherlands from Sep 9-13, 2018.