
The Pryzdial Lab Advances a Novel Clot-Dissolving Drug

The Pryzdial Lab Advances a Novel Clot-Dissolving Drug

After two decades of major clinical trials aimed at improving the safety of clot-dissolving drugs, the Pryzdial lab marks a new strategy to dissolve clots based on a novel biochemical pathway they discovered.

Minimizing Treatment Times for Beta-thalassemia Major: a Small Solution with Potential for Big Impact

Minimizing Treatment Times for Beta-thalassemia Major: a Small Solution with Potential for Big Impact

Jasmine Hamilton from Kizhakkedathu group developed a scaffold for delivering an iron chelator treatment, reducing the number of injections beta-thalassemia major patients could require from 10 per day to 1 per week.

Cautiously Rethinking Pathogen Inactivation Technology – Selective Effects on Platelet

Cautiously Rethinking Pathogen Inactivation Technology – Selective Effects on Platelet

Christa Klein-Bosgoed, a PhD candidate in Dr. Dana Devine’s laboratory at the CBR, is soon to have a paper in Transfusion on how Pathogen Inactivation-treatment affects platelet units prepared for transfusion.

The Story of Beta-thalassemia:  Blood, the Sea, and a Bluebird

The Story of Beta-thalassemia: Blood, the Sea, and a Bluebird

Though blood transfusions, iron chelation therapy, folic acid supplementation, and stem cell transplantation can be used to treat thalassemia, gene-therapy sparks much attention to be a potential treatment option for beta-thalassemia major patients.

Christian Kastrup’s Team Leads the Way Towards a More Stable Blood Clot

Christian Kastrup’s Team Leads the Way Towards a More Stable Blood Clot

Alternative mechanisms to increase clot adhesion are needed. PhD candidate Karen Chan from Dr. Kastrup’s lab found therapeutic use of using a synthetic polymer to stabilize a blood clot.

Host Defense Peptides

Host Defense Peptides

Dr. Hancock’s lab published a review in Nature Reviews establishing that host defense peptides, in addition to having direct antimicrobial effects, also play an important role in immune modulation, wound healing, and diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune disorders.

Dr. Scott Modifies Red Blood Cells to Make Transfusion Possible in Patients with Rare Blood Types

Dr. Scott Modifies Red Blood Cells to Make Transfusion Possible in Patients with Rare Blood Types

When a person is in dire need of blood, a blood transfusion seems like a simple solution. A donor donates blood, and eventually a patient in need receives it. Yet, in reality this life-saving medical procedure, as safe as it may be, is not that simple.

Research Reveals the Takeover of Blood Platelets by Dengue Virus

Research Reveals the Takeover of Blood Platelets by Dengue Virus

New research from Dr. Ed Pryzdial laboratory has revealed for the first time that dengue – the most common virus spread by mosquitoes -hijacks blood platelets and commandeers machinery inside the platelets to reproduce itself.

The Spread of Zika Virus through the Americas and  the Shield of Canadian Winter

The Spread of Zika Virus through the Americas and the Shield of Canadian Winter

Dr. Devine believes that researchers at the CBR have the expertise to determine “whether the technologies that are available to essentially sterilize blood products actually kill Zika virus.”

New Antibiotic Enhancer has Independent Antimicrobial Activity

New Antibiotic Enhancer has Independent Antimicrobial Activity

Strynadka Lab at the CBR, discovered unexpected properties of the newly FDA-approved antibiotic enhancer, avibactam. The drug had shown additional direct anti-microbial properties, making it the first such drug introduced to the market within the last 30 years.