
The Way of the Dragon – CBR’s dragonboat race

The Way of the Dragon – CBR’s dragonboat race

On Thursday, an enthusiastic group of CBR members took to the water to learn the ancient art of dragonboat rowing. It is well known that lab work (such as vigorous pipetting) gives most scientists the upper body strength of a professional weightlifter. Armed with that knowledge, we made our way to…

Interview with an alumnus of the CBR Summer Studentship Program

Interview with an alumnus of the CBR Summer Studentship Program

Meet Mike Nosella – a CBR summer student turned Co-Op from Strynadka lab. “Though it was really cool to see the huge repertoire of equipment and gadgets available to my disposal, I would have to say what was most surprising is the degree of freedom…”

Conference Reports: EuPA Annual Conference and MaxQuant Summer School

Conference Reports: EuPA Annual Conference and MaxQuant Summer School

The conference was a big success on both the scientific and the networking level. I was fortunate to secure a slot in one of the parallel sessions, where I could present our strategy on using TAILS N-terminomics to identify HPP “missing proteins” and our ongoing efforts to map the human heart N-terminome, fostering lively scientific discussions.

Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

CBR is proud to announce a new award: the Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award! In memory of Dr. Neil Mackenzie, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Bromme’s lab, who was an outstanding mentor to his students and colleagues, CBR has created an award to recognize our dedicated members’ who are making a difference in their labs. […]

Striking a balance between blood product quality and safety

Striking a balance between blood product quality and safety

Dr. Peter Schubert, a Research Associate and Manager of Dr. Dana Devine’s Laboratory at CBR, collaborated with an industry partner, TerumoBCT, to investigate the impact of pathogen inactivation technologies in whole blood, as opposed to standard practice of individual blood components.

Kelly McNagny joins CDRD as a new Co-Scientific Director

Kelly McNagny joins CDRD as a new Co-Scientific Director

“We are very fortunate to have Dr. McNagny join the organization. His deep experience and scientific expertise, particularly in the area of stem cell biology will allow us to bring added value to our stakeholders. We have collaborated with him on individual projects for several years, and now look forward to having him take on this expanded role as a part of our Executive Team.”

Taming antimicrobial peptides for treating bacterial infections

Taming antimicrobial peptides for treating bacterial infections

A toxic antimicrobial compound secreted by an Australian growling grass frog, Litoria raniformis, can prove useful against antibiotic resistant bacteria. The Kizhakkedathu group at CBR undertook this quest in their recent paper published in Biomacromolecules.

Where Will Your Graduate Education Take You?

Where Will Your Graduate Education Take You?

Many students choose to enter graduate school because they enjoy research and are passionate about science, but few have a concrete idea of the type of career they would like following graduation.

Nichollas Scott: profile of a CBR researcher

Nichollas Scott: profile of a CBR researcher

Nichollas’ curiosity for the biological mechanisms of protein modification led him to his current research path, beginning with a PhD project at the Cordwell Laboratory at the University of Sydney, Australia.