The Way of the Dragon – CBR’s dragonboat race
On Thursday, an enthusiastic group of CBR members took to the water to learn the ancient art of dragonboat rowing. It is well known that lab work (such as vigorous pipetting) gives most scientists the upper body strength of a professional weightlifter. Armed with that knowledge, we made our way to…
Conference Reports: EuPA Annual Conference and MaxQuant Summer School
The conference was a big success on both the scientific and the networking level. I was fortunate to secure a slot in one of the parallel sessions, where I could present our strategy on using TAILS N-terminomics to identify HPP “missing proteins” and our ongoing efforts to map the human heart N-terminome, fostering lively scientific discussions.
Nichollas Scott: profile of a CBR researcher
Nichollas’ curiosity for the biological mechanisms of protein modification led him to his current research path, beginning with a PhD project at the Cordwell Laboratory at the University of Sydney, Australia.
“Measure twice, cut once” – in proteomics, speed is not everything.
In some cases, increasing the speed of analysis by mass spectrometry does not increase the likelihood of getting informative data and greater flexibility in the analysis of components is required.