The Work of a Bloodsmith: Progress in the Quest for Complete Blood Substitutes
August 2, 2018
There is an increasing global effort to reduce the demand for blood donations through the development of blood substitutes – synthetically derived molecules and materials which can recapitulate the functional role of blood. These substitutes, however, cannot recapitulate the full array of physiologic functions carried out by whole blood.
Hope Beyond the Hype: The Pursuit of Longevity in Cell Therapies
July 5, 2018
After years of intensive research and development, cell therapies are finally having their moment. In the past year, the FDA has approved two cell therapies, with stem cell treatments in hot pursuit as they enter late-stage clinical trials. While regulatory body recognition is an important milestone, great challenges in long-term industry sustainability remain.
Permanence and Promise in Germline Engineering – Part 2
May 3, 2018
Part 2 of a series: The rise of genetic engineering has long provoked contentious debate within the scientific community. Stances in the scientific community on genetic engineering have become increasingly charged, as evidenced by a call for a moratorium on germline engineering research published in Nature Comments in March 2015.
Permanence and Promise in Germline Engineering – Part 1
April 12, 2018
As research in germline editing reaches new and exciting frontiers, society is prompted to decide how science can act synergistically with policy to evaluate ethical implications and advance our knowledge of genetic engineering. The following article is part one of a two part series on the science and ethics of germline engineering.
Notes from Conway’s Chair – March 2018
March 22, 2018
CBR research teams have been flourishing in the lab and the clinic. This is measured not only by the number and value of prestigious grants and awards received by our senior investigators and their trainees, but by the number and quality of the clinically relevant scientific advances that they have made.
When Evidence is Not Enough: Pro-Vaccination Strategies
October 26, 2017
Despite overwhelming evidence in favour of vaccination, immunization rates have fallen, in some areas below the thresholds necessary to protect against outbreaks of diseases. Why do people reject vaccination, and what can be done?
CIHR Fiasco… What Now?
March 30, 2017
In order to reduce costs, safeguard from potential reviewer bias and guarantee a larger number of reviewers per grant, Dr. Beaudet, the current CIHR president, eliminated the face-to-face peer review and replaced it with an anonymous online system.
CRISPR Technology: Officially Off-Limits?
March 2, 2017
Some predict that there would be a series of innovation bottlenecks now that CRISPR-Cas9 is patented. Indeed, the CRISPR battle has already altered the direction of several biotechnology companies.
The Student Biotechnology Network (SBN). Making your Biotech Goals a Reality.
February 2, 2017
Driven entirely by students and volunteers, this not-for-profit organization was founded to act as a helping hand for STEM graduates wanting to explore their career possibilities in industry.
The Quirks and Quarks of Vancouver Biotech
January 19, 2017
While the arrival of Quark Venture promises new opportunities in the biotechnology industry, will its investments improve the longevity of biotech companies in Vancouver?