Awards & Accolades

Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award

CBR is proud to announce a new award: the Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Excellence Award! In memory of Dr. Neil Mackenzie, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Bromme’s lab, who was an outstanding mentor to his students and colleagues, CBR has created an award to recognize our dedicated members’ who are making a difference in their labs. […]

Kelly McNagny joins CDRD as a new Co-Scientific Director

Kelly McNagny joins CDRD as a new Co-Scientific Director

“We are very fortunate to have Dr. McNagny join the organization. His deep experience and scientific expertise, particularly in the area of stem cell biology will allow us to bring added value to our stakeholders. We have collaborated with him on individual projects for several years, and now look forward to having him take on this expanded role as a part of our Executive Team.”

Dr. Pryzdial gave Plenary Abstract Presentation at CSTM

Dr. Pryzdial gave Plenary Abstract Presentation at CSTM

Dr. Ed Pryzdial gave a Plenary Abstract Presentation at the Canadian Society for Blood Transfusion (CSTM) conference after winning one of the top two abstracts. Dr. Pryzdial’s talk was titled: “Production of infectious dengue virus by platelets”.

Dr. Dana Devine wins the CSTM ORTHO award

Dr. Dana Devine wins the CSTM ORTHO award

Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine (CSTM) ORTHO award recognized Dr. Devine for her longstanding research career in blood products, transfusion medicine, platelet biology, complement biochemistry, and coagulation.

Dr. Strynadka elected as a Fellow to the Royal Society

Dr. Strynadka elected as a Fellow to the Royal Society

Dr. Strynadka’s agenda-setting dissection of the membrane assemblies involved in infection, virulence and bacterial cell wall synthesis is having major impact in the development of therapeutic agents; both antibiotics and vaccines.

Michael Yuchi receives the 2014 Michael John Page PDF Award

Michael Yuchi receives the 2014 Michael John Page PDF Award

On Friday, October 17, 2014, at a well-attended ceremony at the Life Sciences Centre at UBC, the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) presented the Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award to Dr. Michael Yuchi. Michael Yuchi was born in China, starting his science career at Fudan University, […]

Jasmine Hamilton – a Global Health Fellow

Jasmine Hamilton – a Global Health Fellow

Jasmine Hamilton, a PhD candidate in Dr. Jay Kizhakkedathu’s lab at the CBR, was accepted into Duke University’s prestigious Global Health Fellowship Program this summer. The CBR was pleased to help support Jasmine. Following is her report of this remarkable experience. “The CBR travel scholarship allowed me to build my knowledge and experience in Global […]

Dr. Christopher Overall, recipient of CNPN – Tony Pawson Proteomics Award for Outstanding Contribution and Leadership to the Canadian Proteomics Community

Dr. Christopher Overall, recipient of CNPN – Tony Pawson Proteomics Award for Outstanding Contribution and Leadership to the Canadian Proteomics Community

We are pleased to announce the 2014 recipient of the CNPN – Tony Pawson Proteomics Award, Dr. Christopher Overall of the University of British Columbia, Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences, and longtime member of the Centre for Blood Research. This prize recognizes the remarkable achievement on the fundamental understanding and/or practice of proteomics in […]

2013 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award

2013 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award

The Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award recognizes a postdoctoral fellow who reflects Dr. Page’s academic excellence and his passion for life. On Friday, October 18th, the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology along with the CBR presented the first-ever Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award to Dr. Julien Bergeron. Julien demonstrated he was worthy […]