Proteases can be a turn-on, or a turn-off. Or… A Protease-mediated Switch Controls the Transition from Proinflammatory (M1) to Repair (M2) Macrophages
November 29, 2018
Chronic inflammatory & autoimmune diseases affect many Canadians, and yet the mechanisms behind such conditions are not fully understood and there is no cure available.
Open Access and Open Science: The Call for More Transparency in Science
November 22, 2018
In May of this year, a group of Swedish universities made the decision not to renew their contracts with publishing giant Elsevier. To researchers who rely on these journals for their day-to-day work this may seem like a drastic move, but this new stand-off is part of a movement toward an open-access model in publishing research.
CBR Summer Students Visit Canadian Blood Services!
November 16, 2018
What is involved in getting blood that has been donated at a mobile clinic in Campbell River to a patient on the operating table at Vancouver General Hospital?
The Bayer-UBC Bleeding Disorders Collaboratory Continues to Innovate
November 8, 2018
The Bayer-UBC Bleeding Disorders Collaboratory, established in 2012 with a $750,000 financial commitment from Bayer Inc., has stimulated substantial innovation in the treatment of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
The First Targeted Gene Therapy Approved in North America: Luxturna
November 1, 2018
RPE65-mediated inherited retinal dystrophy leads to severe deterioration of vision and complete blindness in early adulthood. A small subgroup of patients, approximately 1000 people in the United States, have mutations in both paternal and maternal copies of the RPE65 gene that encodes retinoid isomerohydrolase.
31st Annual Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting
October 25, 2018
Thanks to the Centre for Blood Research for providing me with the CBR Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Award. Because of this travel award, I had the opportunity to attend the 31st Annual Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting (CSI) for the first time.
2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award
October 19, 2018
On Wednesday October 17th, Dr. Jennifer Grants was presented with the 2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Fellow Award by the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB) and the Centre for Blood Research (CBR).
Building Resilience in Graduate School
October 10, 2018
When I started graduate school at UBC in 2012, I thought I was prepared. I had excellent marks, publications from research done as an undergraduate student, and even an NSERC award.
Graduate Award Program – Brought to You by the CBR
October 4, 2018
One of the goals of the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) revolves around education. The CBR actively promotes and fosters the young blood that will enter the highly multi-disciplinary field that is blood research.