In May, the CBR Health & Wellness Committee invited CBR members and friends to step up their wellness game with the annual CBR Step Challenge! This activity challenged participants to increase their physical activity and take at least 10,000 steps a day, on average, over the course of 4 weeks.
Together, 40+ participants from 25+ different labs and groups took over 10.57 million steps in total — a truly incredible feat! That translates to roughly 8000km of distance, about the length of the Trans-Canada Highway that stretches from coast to coast between Victoria, BC, and St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Health & Wellness Committee also invited participants to share photos of themselves on walks and engaging in fun physical activities, whether indoors and outdoors. Great to see our community walking, cycling, hiking, gardening and running their way to healthy living.
Participants who met weekly step goals were eligible for health and wellness-related raffle prizes, which included healthy eating gift cards, meditation cards, reusable travel cups, and more! Congratulations to raffle winners:
- Marie Johns, Jefferies Lab
- Dr. Katherine Serrano, Devine Lab
- Tetiana Povshedna, Côté Lab
- Dr. Samantha Grist, Bio-Medical Micro Devices Lab
A special shoutout to Dr. Anna Herrmann from the Kizhakkedathu Lab, who met the step goal every week and won the draw for grand prize raffle!
Thank you to all who took part – we hope this challenge helped support your wellness goals. Special thanks go to the CBR Health & Wellness Committee for organizing this fun and healthy activity for our community.

Raffle prize winners Dr. Katherine Serrano (top left) and Dr. Samantha Grist (top right) with their respective prizes, meditation cards and a foam roller. Raffle grand prize winner Dr. Anna Herrmann (bottom) is kayaking.