Each December, the CBR engages in a lively holiday potluck and gift exchange (i.e., the “gift stealing” game), and the wind-up to 2017 was no exception. New prizes this year included a set of hand lotions, a coffee mug warmer, tapas dishes (the most sought after), an instruction manual with rules on how to online date, and a Gnome paperweight. There were, of course, the obligatory and most precious recycled gifts that magically re-appeared from years gone by…kids’ socks and old picture frames. Fortunately, the quality of the potluck was substantially greater than that of the gifts, and we enjoyed a wide variety of exciting dishes prepared by many talented CBR chefs, with equal numbers of sweet and savory dishes.
One highlight of celebrating the holiday season this year was the CBR Holiday Door Decorating contest. Lab members worked together to envision and create fun decorations for their lab doors around the CBR. As door adornments began to emerge, a healthy sense of competition became apparent between labs to see who could out-do the others. We had many worthy contestants who exhibited a great deal of imagination and enthusiasm:

Pryzdial Lab

Scott Lab

Devine Lab

Kizhakkedathu Lab

Overall Lab
This year, after much deliberation by highly qualified and esteemed judges, the winning prize was awarded to the Scott Lab for their ingenuity, use of mixed media, and teamwork (special thanks goes to Mark’s dog for contributing the “yellow snow”).
The Scott Lab received a stocking stuffed with both edible and practical goodies, thanks to the Health and Wellness Committee members. After the award and gift exchange, CBR members enjoyed festive socializing, comparing gifts, and nibbling on the remaining sweet treats.
Happy holidays to you from the CBR! We wish you a lovely time this December and an exciting New Year!

Winner of the door decorating contest: Scott Lab!