Originally posted on UBC Research Innovation
UBC Project Lead(s): Christian Kastrup
UBC Collaborators: Pieter Cullis
Funding Body: CIHR Foundation Grant and Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program
Funding Amount: $200,000
COVID-19 Research Area(s): Vaccines & Treatments
SARS-CoV-2 leads to hyper-coagulability of blood and deadly blood clots (thrombosis). The current anticoagulants may not be sufficient, due to the risk of bleeding from these drugs, and there is a need for alternative anticoagulants. In particular, agents that enhance clot degradation (fibrinolysis) without inducing bleeding are needed. We have been developing RNA-based agents that enhances fibrinolysis without leading to bleeding.
We have developed siRNA-based agents to modulate coagulation proteins and the proteins involved in clot degradation. Since there is a need for agents that safely enhance the degradation of blood clots, we are testing if several of these siRNA-based agents are effective.
Collaboration opportunities:
Clinical thrombosis, bleeding, hematology, transfusion.