On Wednesday July 25th the CBR welcomed 3 nurses from the Hematology Research Clinical Trials Unit to share what exactly the HRCTU is and why we need one!
The talks lasted about an hour and were impressively informative and very interesting. Traci Corr RN spoke on “CoDIVO study A comparison of in vivo outcome following transfusion of dynamic light scattering-screened versus unscreened platelets.” Winnie Wong RN spoke on “An overview of the Hematology Cell Bank and studies associated with it.” and Cindy Manchulenko RN spoke on “An overview of Multiple Myeloma, treatment and various ongoing studies.”
We’d like to thank Jill Clark, Traci Corr, Winnie Wong, Cindy Manchulenko and the entire HRCTU team for giving their time to share their very important work with us and look forward to more collaborations in the future.
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