Contact Information
Michael Smith Laboratories
Room 211 – 2185 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
Tel: 1-604-827-3749
Lab: 1-604-827-3750
Fax: 1-604-822-2114
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Current Positions
- Affiliate Professor, Michael Smith Laboratories.
- Affiliate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- Affiliate Professor, Biomedical Engineering Program, Centre for Blood Research, Genome Sciences and Technology (GSAT) Graduate Program.
- Medical College of Wisconsin – Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, and Departments of Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, and Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Versiti Blood Research Institute
Research Interests
Understanding the dynamics of biochemical networks is important for understanding life at the systems level and has practical implications for Medicine, Engineering, Biology, and Chemistry. The complex network of hemostasis consists of over 100 coupled reactions and has the death-defying function of regulating blood coagulation. Research in my laboratory focuses on three problems related to blood coagulation: i) understanding the biophysical mechanisms by which blood clots form and degrade, ii) controlling these processes to eliminate unwanted coagulation, and iii) using coagulation as a scaffold for delivering therapeutics to diseased vasculature. This research lies at the interface of Chemical Biology, Bioengineering and Medicine. The techniques we use include microfluidics, reconstituted protein systems, biomaterial synthesis, numerical simulations, and disease models of coagulation and atherosclerosis.
- Hur WS, Mazinani N, Lu XJD, Yefet LS, Byrnes JR, Ho L, Yeon JH, Filipenko S, Wolberg AS, Jefferies WA, Kastrup CJ, “Coagulation Factor XIIIa can Crosslink Amyloid β into Dimers and Oligomers and to Blood Proteins”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Epub ahead of print. 2018-11. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.005352.
- *Novakowski SK, *Jiang K, *Prakash G, Kastrup CJ. “Delivery of mRNA to Platelets using Lipid Nanoparticles”, Scientific Reports, Accepted and In Press, 2018.
- *Hur WS, Warner H, Machan L, Kastrup CJ, “Coagulation Factors XIII-A and XIII-A* Decrease In Some DVT Patients Following Catheter-directed Thrombolysis”, Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, Accepted pending minor revisions, 2018.
- Carter RLR, Talbot K, Hur WS, Meixner SC, Van Der Gugten JG, Holmes DT, Côté HCF, Kastrup CJ, Smith T, Lee AY, Pryzdial ELG, “Rivaroxaban and Apixaban Induce Clotting Factor Xa Fibrinolytic Activity”, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Accepted and In Press, 2018-08. DOI: 10.1111/jth.14281.
- Chan V, Sarkari M, Sunderland R, St. John AE, White NJ, Kastrup CJ, “Platelets Loaded with Thrombin-Encapsulated Liposomes have Increased Coagulability”, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2018, 16(6):1226-1235.
- Yeon JH, Mazinani N*, Schlappi T, Donovan A, Smith S, Baylis JR*, Chan KYT*, Kudela D, Stucky G, Ismagilov RF, Liu Y, Morrissey JH, Kastrup CJ, “Localization of Short-Chain Polyphosphate Enhances its Ability to Clot Flowing Blood Plasma”, Scientific Reports, 2017, 42119.
- Pompano R, Chiang AH, Kastrup CJ, Ismagilov RF, “Conceptual and Experimental Tools to Understand Spatial Effects and Transport Phenomena in Nonlinear Biochemical Networks Illustrated with Patchy Switching“, Annual Review of Biochemistry, 2017 (86):333-356.
- Baylis JR, Finkelstein A*, Macias-Valle L, Manji J, Lee M, Levchenko E, Okpaleke C, AL-Salihi S, Javer AR**, Kastrup CJ**, “Rapid Hemostasis in a Sheep Model using Particles that Propel Thrombin and Tranexamic Acid”, Laryngoscope, 2017 (127):787-793. **equal contribution.
- Pryzdial E, Meixner S, Talbot K, EltringhamSmith L, Baylis J*, Lee FM, Kastrup C, Sheffield W, “Thrombolysis by Chemically Modified Coagulation Factor Xa”, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2016 (14):1844-54.
- Baylis JR*, St. John AE, Wang X, Lim EB, Statz ML, Chien D, Simonson E, Stern SA, Liggins RT, White NJ, Kastrup CJ, “Self-propelled dressings containing thrombin and tranexamic acid improve short-term survival in a swine model of lethal junctional hemorrhage”, Shock, 2016 (46-S1):123-8.
- Baylis JR*, Chan KYT*, Kastrup CJ*, “Halting Hemorrhage with Self-Propelling Particles and Local Drug Delivery”, Thrombosis Research, 2016 (141):S36-39.
- Chan KYT*, Zhao C*, Siren EM, Chan JC, Boschman J*, Kastrup CJ, “Adhesion of Blood Clots can be Enhanced when Copolymerized with a Macromer that is Crosslinked by Coagulation Factor XIIIa”, Biomacromolecules, 2016 17(6):2248-52.
- Chan V*, Novakowski SK*, Law S*, Klein-Bosgoed C, Kastrup CJ, “Controlled Transcription of Exogenous mRNA in Platelets Using Protocells”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54(46):13590-13593.
- Hur WS*, Mazinani N*, Lu XJD*,Britton HM*, Byrnes JR, Wolberg AS, Kastrup CJ, “Coagulation Factor XIIIa is Inactivated by Plasmin”, Blood, 2015, 126(20):2329-2337.
- Baylis JR, Yeon JH, Thomson MH, Kazerooni A, Wang X, St. John AE, Lim EB, Chien D,Lee A, Zhang JQ, Piret JM, Machan LS, Burke TF, White NJ, Kastrup CJ, “Self-Propelling Particles that Transport Cargo Through Flowing Blood and Halt Hemorrhaging”, Science Advances, 2015, 1(9):e1500379.
- Yeon JH, Chan KYT, Wong TC, Chan K, Sutherland MR, Ismagilov RF, Pryzdial ELG, Kastrup CJ, “A Biochemical Network can Control Formation of a Synthetic Material by Sensing Numerous Specific Stimuli”, Scientific Reports, 2015, 10274: 1-8.
- Kretschmer M, Reiner E, Hu G, Tam N, Oliveira DL, Caza M, Yeon JH, Kim J, Kastrup CJ, Jung WH, Kronstad JW, “Defects in Phosphate Acquisition and Storage Influence the Virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans”, Infection and Immunity, 2014: 2697-2712.
- CJ. Kastrup, M. Nahrendorf, J.L. Figueiredo, H. Lee, S. Kambhampati, T. Lee, S.W. Cho, R. Gorbatov, Y. Iwamoto, T.T. Dang, P. Dutta, J.H. Yeon, H. Cheng, C.D. Pritchard, A.J. Vegas, C.D. Siegel, S. MacDougall, M. Okonkwo, J.R. Stone, A.J. Coury, R. Weissleder, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, “Painting Blood Vessels and Atherosclerotic Plaques with an Adhesive Drug Depot”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012 (109):21444-9.
- Schroeder, M.S. Goldberg, C.J. Kastrup, Y. Wang, B.J. Joseph, C.G. Levins, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, “Remotely-activated Protein-Producing Nanoparticles”, Nano Letters, 2012, 12(6):2685-2689.
- Cheng, M. Byrska-Bishop, C.T. Zhang, C.J. Kastrup, N.S. Hwang, W.W. Lee, X. Xu, M.P. Nahrendorf, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, “Stem cell membrane engineering for cell rolling using peptide conjugation and tuning of cell-selectin interaction kinetics”, Biomaterials, 2012 (33):5004-12.
- Chen, K. Love, Y. Chen, A. Eltoukhy, C.J. Kastrup, Christian; G. Sahay, A. Jeon, D. Yizhou, K. Whitehead, D.G. Anderson, “Rapid Discovery of Potent siRNA-Lipid-Nanoparticles Enabled by Controlled Microfluidic Formulation”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 (134):6948-6951.
- M. Cheng, C.J. Kastrup, R. Ramanathan, D.J. Siegwart, M.L. Ma, S.R. Bogatyrev, Q.B. Xu, K.A. Whitehead, R. Langer, D.G. Anderson, “Nanoparticulate Cellular Patches for Cell-Mediated Tumoritropic Delivery”, ACS Nano, 2010 (4): 625-631.
- Shen, C.J. Kastrup, R.R. Pompano, R.F. Ismagilov, “Confinement Regulates Complex Biochemical Networks: Initiation of Blood Clotting by “Diffusion Acting”, Biophysical Journal, 2009 (97):2137-2135.
- CJ. Kastrup, J.Q. Boedicker, A.P. Pomerantsev, M. Moayeri, Y. Bian, R.R. Pompano, T.R. Kline, F. Shen, W.-J. Tang, S.H. Leppla, R.F. Ismagilov, “Spatial Localization of Bacteria Controls Initiation of Blood Coagulation by “Quorum Acting”, Nature Chemical Biology, 2008 (4) 742-750.
- Shen, C.J. Kastrup, R.F. Ismagilov, “Using Microfluidics to Understand the Effect of Spatial Distribution of Tissue Factor on Blood Coagulation” Thrombosis Research, 2008 (121) S27-S30.
- Shen, C.J. Kastrup, Y. Liu, R.F. Ismagilov, “Threshold Response of Initiation of Blood Coagulation by Tissue Factor in Patterned Microfluidic Capillaries is Controlled by Shear Rate”, Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 2008 (28):2035-2041.
- K. Runyon, C.J. Kastrup, B. Johnson-Kerner, T.G. Van Ha, R.F. Ismagilov, “The Effects of Shear Rate on Propagation of Blood Clotting Determined Using Microfluidics and Numerical Simulations” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 (130):3458-3464.
- C.J. Kastrup, R.F. Ismagilov, “A physical-organic mechanistic approach to understanding the complex reaction network of hemostasis (blood clotting),” Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2007 (20):711-715.
- Postdoctoral fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008-2011.
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1980.