CBR Knowledge Translation Committee

Interested in science communication, writing and editing? Join the CBR Knowledge Translation Committee!

Explore your interests by covering research publications, profiles, scientific opinion pieces, event recaps, and more. The team has published 150+ blogs since 2015 and their work is regularly featured by other scientific organizations. You can:

  • build your professional portfolio with published articles that are showcased through our website, newsletter, and social media
  • develop transferable skills like writing, editing, interviewing, photography, and more

Interested in joining the Knowledge Translation committee? Contact Kaitlyn Chuong, kaitlyn.chuong@ubc.ca.

Aparna Gopal

As a grad student, I do need to write a lot about my research, be it for scholarship applications or paper publications. Although the writing format is different, what remains consistent is the need to write concisely and clearly. This is where good editing skills come into play.

— Aparna Gopal, PhD Student, Karsan Lab (Editor)

Some CBR Knowledge Translation Committee highlights include:

CBR Knowledge Translation Blog

The CBR blog features stories on research publications, profiles, scientific opinion pieces, event recaps, and more. Many articles are written and edited by members of the Knowledge Translation Committee.

Read the blog.

CBR Magazine

Published twice a year and released at major CBR symposia, the CBR magazine features recent blog articles. CBR Knowledge Translation Committee members take an active role in proofreading magazine layouts before the magazine is printed, by providing feedback on grammar and visuals.

CBR members can share their artwork and photography through the CBR Cover Art Contest, for a chance to have their science featured on the magazine cover.

Read past magazines.

CBR Newsletter

Blogs from the CBR Knowledge Translation Committee are shared through our monthly CBR newsletter, which has 1000+ readers in academia, industry and healthcare.

Sign up for the monthly CBR Newsletter.

An infographic about the CBR Knowledge Translation Team, noting that over 5 years there were 10 magazine issues published, over 85 contributors (including writers and editors), and over 150 blogs published on diverse scientific topics, including opinion, research and publications, events, awards, and profiles