Welcome to the CBR Summer Studentship
Program 2025!
Here you will find information on the application process, upcoming events, program FAQs, CBR Research Day, and more.
* Competition for the 2025 Program is open.
Welcome to the Summer Studentship Program 2025! Here you will find information on upcoming events, program FAQs, CBR Research Day, and learn more about your cohort.
Please note:
- All bolded events are mandatory components for the Summer Studentship Program; optional events of interest may be added below as they become available.
- Times are in PT.
- Events are intended for summer students in the program; event attendance will not be open to the public.
During the program, students will work on a defined research project with a UBC supervisor, participate in professional development programming, and present their research at our CBR Research Day.
You will benefit from research skill workshops, career development seminars, complementary social events and more, all while expanding your knowledge and experience in active research. To make sure that all students can get the most out of this year’s program, all events are in-person format except for the Career Panel which will be hybrid.
Please carefully read the program expectations and review the schedule below. Make sure you lock these dates and times into your calendar so that you can guarantee your attendance. Interacting with speakers, networking with other students, and asking questions directly is the best way to get the most out of these sessions.
Summer Studentship holders:
- Are required to participate in a presentation of their work or work-in-progress at the CBR Research Day (August 2025; to be held in-person at the Life Sciences Centre).
- Are required to participate in all mandatory summer studentship events, as per the Award Conditions in the application. All events and workshops will be in-person format, if different then will be communicated.
- Are required to submit a 1-page written report that includes a summary of their research project, a reflection of their Program experience, and an assessment of the overall Program. This report should be sent to the CBR Education Program Manager before August 22, 2025.
- Are required to complete an end-of-program online survey before August 22, 2025.
- Are NOT eligible to hold both a CBR Summer Studentship and any other funding (e.g., NSERC URSA) during the CBR Summer Studentship funding period (May to August).
- The CBR should be acknowledged in publications and presentations of work arising from this award.
- May
- Welcome Orientation & Poster Session- TBD
- June
- Effective Presentation Skills Practical Workshop - TBD
- July
- Journey to Grad School - TBD
- NetCAD Facility Tour - TBD
- August
- Drop-In Research Day Rehearsal - TBD
- CBR Research Day - TBD
*Events that are bolded are mandatory components for the Summer Studentship Program. More details will be provided closer to the event date.
Please note: Events are intended for summer students in the program; event attendance will not be open to the public.
CBR Research Day (August)
CBR Research Day is an opportunity for students to showcase their summer research projects, hear a thought-provoking keynote talk, and celebrate the end of the Summer Studentship Program!
WHERE: Life Sciences Institute | West Atrium
Email CBR Communications & Programs Coordinator.
Yes, please register for Research Day once it is open. This helps us prepare accurate numbers for attendance and food ordering.
No, you do not need to present everything that you’ve done over the summer. We’re looking for quality of storytelling over quantity of data!
Remember to think about the key message(s) that you'd like your audience to take away from your presentation, and don't overwhelm the audience with data overload.
If you’d like, you could verbally mention that you’ve worked on a number of projects over the summer, but for this event, you’re going to focus on one specific project.
It’s okay to not have any results for your project—that’s part of the research process! Keep in mind that your Research Day presentation is not about showing how much data you have, but sharing your research project as a compelling story. Think about the key message(s) that you'd like your audience to take away from your presentation.
CBR Research Day is an opportunity for students to showcase their summer research projects, hear an inspirational keynote talk, and celebrate the end of the CBR Summer Studentship Program. The event provides an excellent opportunity for students to practice their presentation skills in front of an audience, and share their work with their peers and other labs. Students will have the opportunity to present their summer work through short talks and a poster presentation.*
More information will be included as it becomes available.
*CBR Summer Students are required to register for and attend this event.