20th Anniversary of the Centre for Blood Research (CBR)

Save the date & Register to attend in-person! CBR 20th Anniversary Celebration!
Friday July 7th, 2023 – UBC Life Sciences Institute
Mark your calendars and register to celebrate a significant milestone: the 20th Anniversary of the Centre for Blood Research (CBR)!
The festivities organized by 2022/2023 CBR Graduate Awards Program (GAP) recipients will be held:

Date: Friday July 7th, 2023
Time: 1:00-5:00pm 
Place: Life Sciences Institute 

The day will feature several events that celebrate the journey of the CBR from its inception to the present. These include:

Founders’ Address: A talk by CBR founders, where we will learn about the initial vision for the Centre and the challenges that were overcome.
Video Showcase of the CBR: A video created by the Graduate Awards Program recipients to showcase the journey of the CBR.
Alumni Panel Discussion: A dynamic panel featuring a number of CBR alumni. They will be sharing their experiences and the impact that their time at the CBR had on their professional paths.
Anniversary Dinner: At the conclusion of the event, we will gather for a celebratory dinner and dessert. This will be a great time to connect, network, and celebrate the community that is at the heart of the CBR.


This is a great opportunity for trainees to learn about all that the CBR has to offer, and why it offers such a unique training experience.

Registration is free! 
REGISTER HERE TO ATTEND IN-PERSON: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5hdUA5FMsYWmT42

Zoom connection option:
Zoom Meeting ID: 91198 379762

Passcode: 379762

We look forward to seeing you there!

2022-2023 CBR Graduate Awards Program recipients